Saturday, May 10, 2008

My Presidential thoughts

Let me start out by being politically correct. I am not allowed to vote, and I am worried about that at all, because I have no strong feeling either way when it comes to politics. I just want to point this out about politicians, more specifically those senators who is running for President. I have no affiliation towards any candidate of any party, so don't misunderstand me. But, I have a hard time understanding this little fact: "Someone that is running for President, and show it so much that they solicit their friends for money to do so, obviously don't want to have their own job. And is spending about 6 months... (here those that are following politics, take that time estimate with understanding for me who don't) telling people everywhere, why they should have a different job (they want to be the President), why should they then have their current job after campaigning and have not done anything at that job for 6(?) months. Why would we then want to have them as President, if they have this feeling about their current job. I don't understand. Well, I am just me, and I am not Running for President.


LeaAnne said...

Hmmm, interesting look Rune.

Kathy said...

Politics is very strange if you look at it too closely.