Saturday, March 7, 2009


Rune is currently farming on facebook..

He has no time to do anything else..
You may visit him on his farm.
The Sheep


Rachel said...


This is SO true!

Kathy said...

LOL! You make me laugh, Rune. Nelson and I were just mentioning yesterday that you hadn't blogged in a long time. Now we know why.

LeaAnne said...

That Rune... Crazy!

quincy said...

Why don't you try and plant something you can actually eat after you harvest it??!!

The Only Rune You Know said...

Sheep, just for your information....
Yes, I do farm on Farm Town on Facebook, and I do have a nice farm now. I have to let you know that I did plant 3 potatoes in my own backyard yesterday.... so, if it works... and I get results, I may just switch out the Farm Town farm with some more plants later. I look forward to the grapes to get bigger. They are always so yummy.

LeaAnne said...

I notice that you still are not blogging.. BUT, you are no longer *pretend* farming.. SO I ask you what is going on?????

One of YOUR kids dug up the potatoes! ;) My biggest and most tender love to you my dear, dear friend!

LeaAnne said...
